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أحدث المقالات

Simple Tips To Relive Dry Skin

Relive dry skin is one of the biggest problems that prevails among people, regardless of the season. Dehydration appears as a result for different reasons. Some may have dry skin in the form of red skin and patches, while others may see itchy, scaly patches. Check out this list of simple tips to get rid…

Benefits Of Rice For Hair and Skin

The amazing benefits of “rice water for hair and skin” and how to prepare it. Many women seek to have strong and healthy hair. To achieve this, the hair must get a variety of nutrients, especially 18 types of amino acids, to make the hair more strong, dense and soft. We can say that rice…

Six Ways To Burn Calories While Sleeping

Have you ever heard that you can burn calories while sleeping? Yes, it is true and there are many studies that approved that we can burn calories while sleeping. Which factors affect burning calories? Burning calories while sleeping depends on three factors such as,weight,metabolism process and the number of hours you sleep. Weight A person…

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